Immediate download of Myeangsim Bogam Daybook at Etsy. Enjoy sayings from Korean philosophy with motifs and backgrounds of Korean hanji handmade paper.
Enjoy Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist philosophy in Korean, English and Chinese with the limited edition print book of Myeangsim Bogam: Precious Mirror of Bright Mind, a reader on Classical Korean morality.
Buy Myeangsim Bogam from:
- Amazon
- Seoul Selection
- Jimoon Publishing
- The Authors:
Table of Contents. The book is composed of twenty five parts. The English version is available here online:
- 1. Gaisun (Good Success)
- 2. Cheonmyeong (Heaven's Will)
- 3. Soonmyeong (Follow the Will of Heaven)
- 4. Hyohaeng (Filial Behavior)
- 5. Cheonggi (Remedy One's self)
- 6. Anboon (Content with One's Place)
- 7. Chonshim (Maintain Mind)
- 8. Gaisung (Beware of Nature)
- 9. Gwuaghak (Encourage Learning)
- 10. Hoonja (Education of Children)
- 11. Sungsim I (Reflection)
- 12. Sungsim II (Reflection)
- 13. Ribgyo (Setting Learning)
- 14. Chijung (Governing State Affairs)
- 15. Chiga (Governing Family)
- 16. Anui (Staying Righteous)
- 17. Junrai (Observing Decorum)
- 18. Eeanea (Speech)
- 19. Gyowoo (Friendship)
- 20. Boohaeng (Conduct of Ladies)
- 21. Chungbo (Addition)
- 22. Palbanga (Eight Ironic Songs)
- 23. Hyohaeng (Filial Behavior) Sokpyun (Sequel)
- 24. Yeamui (Shame and Righteousness)
- 25. GuanHak (Encourage Learning)
- Notes
- The Authors
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